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Soubor Velikost Upraveno
[dir] Nadřazený adresář    
[dir] Cert 21.3 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 1.jpg Miniatura of 1.jpg 94.6 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 2.jpg Miniatura of 2.jpg 39.9 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 3.jpg Miniatura of 3.jpg 130.1 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 4.jpg Miniatura of 4.jpg 49.4 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 5.jpg Miniatura of 5.jpg 130.0 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 6.jpg Miniatura of 6.jpg 85.8 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 7.jpg Miniatura of 7.jpg 54.4 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 8.jpg Miniatura of 8.jpg 99.1 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 9.jpg Miniatura of 9.jpg 98.7 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 10.jpg Miniatura of 10.jpg 98.8 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 11.jpg Miniatura of 11.jpg 55.0 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 12.jpg Miniatura of 12.jpg 98.0 KB 2023-May-16
[jpg] 13.jpg Miniatura of 13.jpg 87.2 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] BARMAN.exe 188.5 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] BarRestaurant.exe 7.0 MB 2024-Mar-28
[manifest] BarRestaurant.exe.manifest 649.0  B 2023-May-16
[exe] BarRestaurant2.73.exe 7.0 MB 2023-Oct-11
[exe] BarRestaurantBETA.exe 8.0 MB 2023-Nov-14
[zip] BAR_clean.ZIP 58.1 MB 2023-Sep-18
[zip] BAR_total_clean_b74.ZIP 58.1 MB 2023-Sep-18
[zip] complete.zip 17.7 MB 2023-Nov-14
[exe] COOKER.exe 270.0 KB 2023-May-16
[neakt] devel.neakt 4.0  B 2023-Jun-20
[crt] DigiCertGlobalRootG2.crt 1.1 KB 2023-May-16
[crt] DigiCertGlobalRootG2__OLD.crt 914.0  B 2023-May-16
[exe] downloader.exe 151.0 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] EET.dll 1.0 MB 2023-May-16
[dll] EETDLL.dll 1.8 MB 2023-May-16
[exe] epos2.4.79.exe 1.6 MB 2023-May-16
[crt] GeoTrustTLSRSACAG1.crt 1.1 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libcharset-1.dll 87.9 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libeay32.dll 2.0 MB 2023-May-16
[dll] libexslt-0.dll 457.1 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 117.2 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libiconv-2.dll 1.3 MB 2023-May-16
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[dll] libltdl-7.dll 211.9 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libmySQL.dll 409.5 KB 2023-May-16
[dll] libwinpthread-1.dll 63.7 KB 2023-May-16
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[dll] libxslt-1.dll 965.3 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] readerdc_cz_xa_install.exe 1.1 MB 2023-May-16
[dll] ssleay32.dll 450.0 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] TestEET.exe 351.0 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] Tester.exe 1.0 MB 2023-May-16
[der] trusted_CA_prod.der 1.9 KB 2023-May-16
[der] trusted_CA_prod_ROOT.der 1.6 KB 2023-May-16
[exe] unins000.exe 271.8 KB 2023-May-16
[dat] UpDate.dat 516.0  B 2024-Mar-28
[exe] Update.exe 708.5 KB 2023-May-16
[manifest] Update.exe.manifest 630.0  B 2023-May-16
[inf] UpDate.inf 1.9 KB 2023-May-16
[pdf] Users Manual.pdf 914.3 KB 2023-May-16
[dat] WindowsStyles.dat 36.0  B 2023-May-16
[dll] zlib1.dll 109.5 KB 2023-May-16
57 Soubory - 1 Složky Celková velikost: 178.0 MB  
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